Gentle Dog Grooming
At The Grooming Angels, our expert groomers know just how to make your dog feel like royalty. From gentle brushing to a soothing bath, we ensure every pup leaves looking and feeling their best. Trust us to handle your furry friend with the care and love they deserve.
Our Services
Basic Grooming
The preferred service that covers all the essentials of routine pet care. Perfect for in-between Full Grooms and for pets who do not require a haircut.
This includes:
• Pre Grooming Consultation
• General Health Evaluation
• Ear cleaning
• Nail clipping
• Pawpad Trim
• Sanitary Area Trim
• Bath and Fluff *
Starting from $50 -
Full Grooming
Our most popular all-inclusive service for dogs who need complete styling and trimming on top of the essentials - a true makeover experience for your deserving pets.
This includes:
• Pre Grooming Consultation
• General Health Evaluation
• Ear cleaning
• Nail clipping
• Pawpad Trim
• Sanitary Area Trim
• Bath and Fluff *
• Complete Trimming & Styling
Starting from $100
Just a Haircut!
By popular demand! This brand new service caters to dog owners who just want a haircut for their pets and nothing else! Pets have to be showered and blow dried by their owners prior to their haircut session.
This includes:
• Paw Pad Trim
• Sanitary Trim
• Full Body Trim
Starting from $60
Bath & Fluff
Most dogs would rather skip bath time, but bathing plays an important role in the health of your dog's coat and skin, helping to keep your pet clean and free of dirt and parasites. Our Bath and Fluff service is effective and gentle and can be carried out in the comfort of your home.
This includes:
• Bath and Fluff (Wet/Dry)
• Fluff Drying
Starting from $30
Express Grooming
The perfect service for a quick freshen up. Suitable for nervous pets, young animals, or pets new to the grooming experience.
This includes:
• Pre Grooming Consultation
• General Health Evaluation
• Ear cleaning
• Nail clipping
• Pawpad Trim
Starting from $40
Please note that dematting and undercoat services are charged at $12 for every 5 minutes for all pets.
Our Rates
Small Dogs (0-5kg)
Bath and Fluff $30
Express Groom $40
Basic Groom $50 - 60
Full Groom $100 - 110
Just A Haircut! $60 - 70
Nail Clipping $12
Light Trim $12 per area
Paw Pad Shaving $12
Pamper 'dem!
Medicated Wash $60
Collagen $60
Parasite $70
Ear Flushing $15 per ear
Holistic Spa $90
Paw Treatment $30
Ozone Treatment $30
* Price depends on pet's actual size, style/length, and pet's behavior.
Medium Dogs (5-15kg)
Bath and Fluff $40
Express Groom $50
Basic Groom $60 - 70
Full Groom $120 - 140
Just A Haircut! $80 - 90
Nail Clipping $15
Light Trim $15 per area
Paw Pad Shaving $15
Pamper 'dem!
Medicated Wash $70
Collagen $70
Parasite $80
Ear Flushing $15 per ear
Holistic Spa $100
Paw Treatment $35
Ozone Treatment $40
* Price depends on pet's actual size, style/length, and pet's behavior.
Large Dogs (15-25kg)
Bath and Fluff $50 - $70
Express Groom $60
Basic Groom $70 - 90
Full Groom $150 - 200
Just A Haircut! $110 - 120
Add On:
Nail Clipping $20
Light Trim $20 per area
Pawpad Shaving $20
Pamper 'dem!
Medicated Wash $90
Collagen $90
Parasite $100
Ear Flushing $15 per ear
Holistic Spa $120
Ozone Treatment $50
* Price depends on pet's actual size, style/length, and pet's behavior.
X-Large Dogs (25-35kg)
Bath and Fluff $80
Express Groom $70
Basic Groom $110 - 120
Full Groom $180 - 250
Just A Haircut! $130 - 140
Nail Clipping $25
Light Trim $25 per area
Paw Pad Shaving $25
Pamper 'dem!
Medicated Wash $110
Collagen $110
Parasite $120
Ear Flushing $15 per ear
Holistic Spa $150
Paw Treatment $45
Ozone Treatment $60
* Price depends on pet's actual size, style/length, and pet's behavior.
** $20 Oversized Charge for dogs over 35kg
Ala-Carte Add-On:
Anal Gland Express $20
Ear Cleaning $10
Ear Hair Removal $10
Nail Grinding $5
Poodle Feet $12-25
Tick Check $15
Tick Removal $10++
(additional fee of $1 per tick thereafter)
Toothbrushing $5
Additional Charge:
Undercoat Removal $10++
Dematting $10++
Oversized Dogs >35kg $20
Extra Care Surcharge $80
*Required for pets that require 2 groomers to handle. Suitable for aggressive or senior pets that need extra care.
TGA Housecall Fees
Standard: $30
After Hours: $80
After Hours fees apply for major public holidays (Chinese New Year, Christmas, New Year's Day) and outside office hours (11AM - 7PM).
Note: An $8 surcharge is applicable for Sentosa residents due to newly imposed regulations. -
Salon Transport
Round Trip: $30
One-Way: $20
Note: An $8 surcharge is applicable for Sentosa residents due to newly imposed regulations.
Please Note: $30 deposit is required for Housecall Services. Take a screenshot of your deposit and send it to our friendly Customer Service staff to secure your Housecall Slot.
How to Book?
Select Your Service
Decide if you would like a Housecall Grooming or Grooming Salon session.
Make Your Booking
Make your booking using the link below and select your service, groomer of choice and session.
Grooming Session
Let your pet enjoy gentle grooming by The Grooming Angels.
Other Services
Ear Care
Regular cleaning of your dog's ears should be done once a week on a regular basis. When ear mites or earn infection occurs, medicated ear flushing and treatment may be recommended to you by our groomers.
This includes:
• Ear Cleaning
• Ear Hair Removal (specfic dogs breeds)
• Ear Flushing / Treatment
Starting from $10 -
Spa Treatments
Indulge in our spa treatment services for deep coat cleansing, skin ailments and even nourishing treatments for smoother, manageable coats.
This includes:
• Collagen Treatment
• Medicated Treatment
• Holistic Treatment
• Ozone Treatment (Salon Only)
Starting from $60 -
Parasite Treatments
Parasites and fungus are not only annoying to you and your pet, but can also cause a whole slew of problems and your dog may experience itching, irritation and allergies. Our treatments are effective and you can see results in one to two sessions.
This includes:
• De-tick Treatment
• De-Flea Treatment
• Medicated Fungal Treatment (effective against yeast and ringworm)
Starting from $70 -
Nail & Paw Care
Your dogs needs regular nail and paw care to walk comfortably. Nail Clipping is often overlooked by many pet owners. Your pet's nails should be trimmed at least twice a month. Paw pads should also be shaved or trimmed to prevent slipping or more serious issues like splayed paws and hip dysplasia.
This includes:
• Pawpad Trimming
• Nail Clipping
• Nail Grinding
Starting from $12