Should I Sterilise My Pets?
Becoming a new pet parent is a joyous thing, but there is always the question of whether or not we should sterilise our pet! Seeing our adorable furbaby go through any kind of surgical procedure is definitely difficult to watch, what’s more, with the two opposing schools of thoughts about pet sterilisation, we can see why pet parents may be undecided. Before we delve into why we are for sterilisation, let us take a look at what sterilisation entails!
What is sterilisation?
Sterilisation is a surgical procedure in which your pet's reproductive organs, whether male or female, are removed. In thecase of females, the surgical removal of the reproductive organs is called spaying. In the case of males, this process isknown as neutering or castration.
Benefits of sterilising your pet
Other than reducing pet overpopulation, sterilisation brings about a ton of lifelong health benefits for your pets.
Fewer health problems
The first and most crucial benefit is that sterilisation helps to reduce the potential for health problems in your pets whichmay be difficult or expensive to treat in the future. By neutering male pets, you can prevent the incidence of prostatediseases and testicular cancer. Whereas for female pets, spaying can help reduce their risk of getting certain cancers likeovarian and breast cancer as well as lower the chances of having a womb infection.
Improved behaviour
Sterilising your pet may also help minimise undesirable behaviours. In males, aggression is one of the main problems thatcan be avoided by neutering. Generally, non-neutered males tend to roam far from their home, resulting in accidents, suchas fights with other animals and more disastrous, car accidents. If you have a neutered dog or cat, it is less likely for themto have the urge to roam and urinate everywhere to mark their territory.
No chance of going into heat
Spaying or neutering your pets would mean that they will no longer go into heat. Typically, when females go into heat,they would yowl and urinate everywhere in an attempt to attract a mate. Your kitty may even make an attempt to getoutside of your house to spread her scent in order to meet a receptive male cat! Avoid the fuss of cleaning up pee-infusedfurniture and the worry of a missing furry friend by sterilising your cat.
Common misconceptions about sterilisation
All things considered, there are numerous misconceptions surrounding the idea of sterilisation. Worried pet parents mightfind the procedure painful and expensive — both of which are untrue. In Singapore, the Society for the Prevention ofCruelty to Animals (SPCA) has rolled out a national programme to offer caregivers of stray cats in Housing Board estatesfree sterilisation and microchipping for the cats. Even without this initiative, the cost of sterilisation ranges from $50 -$150 which is still a lot more affordable than the cost of treating serious illnesses.
Sterilisation is performed primarily by licensed veterinarians and anaesthesia is always used during the process so youdon’t have to fret about the procedure being a painful one for your furbaby. After the surgery, your pets will also be keptunder observation for a few hours to monitor their reaction to the anaesthesia and the procedure. It is only when the vetshave made sure that your pet is alright, that your pets are returned to you.
All in all, whether or not to sterilise your pet is very much up to you to weigh the pros and the cons. But we urge you toalways consult your vet for advice.